We’re passionate about enriching you and your dog’s life!

How does all of this work?


Who leads the pack?

It all begins with the leader. Our founder has been training walkers and dogs, and leading groups since 2005. She earned her Certificate in Training and Counseling at the highly esteemed Karen Pryor Academy. All staff are committed to using only positive reinforcement to shape behavior.


Will my dog get dirty?

We are exploring natural spaces together which means rain, swimming, and mud, happen. Most dogs stay pretty tidy, however if your pup loves to roll in mud, he will surely find some. If this is a concern of yours we recommend your dog wear a coat or a shed defender. Also, if you have a dedicated space for the dog to stay when dropped off until he dries, once dry, a quick brushing usually gets everything out.

Where do you go?

We like to use hidden gems and secret spots. Quiet trails where wildlife pass through regularly. Occasionally we’ll be at an off-leash park. Our criteria are enrichment and safety. Forests and wild spaces are ideal. If there is water, woods, and wildlife, we’re happy.


Will my dog get sick?

Healthy, immunized dogs derive far more benefit than risk from group adventures. We’ve been guiding packs through the PNW since 2005, and we have not had greater incidence of illness among dogs in our Adventure packs. The key here common sense: if your dog loves to eat poop or rocks, is immuno-compromised, or has not been fully immunized, we do not recommend that they play in the wild or even walk on a well-used trail.

Do they all run away?

No! Actually, the dogs know and love each other and their handler, so they stay close to the group. Also, we reward recall with phenomenal treats and praise with every dog several times every day, which is how we maintain voice control over your pup for the most important moments.


Who are the other dogs?

Our packs are little families of friendly doggies who know each other and have a strong connection with their handler. We accept all sizes as long as they meet our requirements of being dog friendly, car friendly, and people friendly. We don’t add more than one new client at a time, so the new member gets worked into the pre-existing organization of their pack. We work hard to foster safe and joyful dynamics in the group.


Meet Alisa

While working full-time with dogs since launching my first pet care business, Le Pouf, in 2005, I fell in love with one of our many services: group dog adventures. The clients, doggies, and personal fulfillment experienced from guiding the luckiest dogs through beautiful PNW natural spaces is unmatched. Speaking as an experienced positive reinforcement trainer and Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner: pet parents who want to ensure their dog is living their best life will be gratified by their dog’s experiences on our Adventures. And the super cute photos every day don’t hurt.

Dogs need novel olfactory experiences to light up their brains same way humans need to see new and varying images & surroundings to be happy! The unbridled joy they have while, say, tracking a deer who recently passed through the woods, is the best of their umwelt. They also need to play and enjoy the companionship of their own kind. Having your dog in a static environment at home, walking the same block every day, without doggy companionship, is roughly equivalent to a human living in isolation while wearing a blindfold. Okay, maybe I‘m being a little dramatic. But you get the point :)


Meet Tasha

After managing a large dog daycare environment for 15 years, Tasha decided to combine her love of hiking with her love of dogs at Embark while she attends school and works on launching an inclusive Brewpub! She and her best friend Simon love leading packs around natural spaces in western Washington. Tasha uses positive reinforcement methods with her pups and her favorite dog book is The Other End of The Leash, by Patricia McConnell. When she’s not playing with the pups she’s exploring Seattle’s microbrews and enjoying movie nights with her family.


Meet Aiyanna

Bio coming soon!